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Schedule of Lectures and Recitations (Updated)
Schedule of Lectures
Tentative Syllabus and the Course Policy
MATH 118 – Syllabus Spring 2025
What is a regular/irregular section?
If you are taking the course Math 118 for the first time, you can not change your section. There is only one section (determined by your department and your surname) you can register. These sections are called regular. Moreover, students in this category are said to be regular students. If you are repeating (independent of your grade) the course Math 118 or you are at […]
What is a section/subsection?
This course includes 6 (=4+2) hours per week. First 2+2=4 hours are for lectures and the last two hours are for recitation. The two hours shown in your account in Student Affairs Information System (oibs2.metu.edu.tr) are for recitation. Some examples are as follows: If you are in section 53 (=53), then For lectures: Your section is 5. (2+2=4 hours of lecture / a week) For […]
Welcome to the new semester (2024-2)!
This is the official website of the course Math 118 –Calculus II. All students enrolled in this course are supposed to follow this website and ODTUCLASS regularly as they are responsible for catching up announcements.